The financial advisor, the main figure when investing

When investing it is important to have a professional who knows everything related to the world of finance and the financial advisor is the ideal figure to advise us thanks to his knowledge in economic matters and is able to help us distinguish the different movements where we can save and make a good investment. This financialContinue reading “The financial advisor, the main figure when investing”

Alejandro Enrique Esis Urdaneta: Tips to protect our money in times of pandemic

With the arrival of COVID-19 the world took an unexpected turn, we had to protect ourselves at home for our safety and that of loved ones, this led to many companies closing their doors and a large number of people lost their jobs. As a consequence, the family economy suffered some changes and imbalances, whichContinue reading “Alejandro Enrique Esis Urdaneta: Tips to protect our money in times of pandemic”

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